Step 9: For Further Reading
Helpful Links
Berez-Kroeker, Andrea. L., Helene N. Andreassen, Lauren Gawne, Gary Holton, Susan S. Kung, Peter Pulsifer, Lauren B. Collister, The Data Citation and Attribution in Linguistics Group, & the Linguistics Data Interest Group. 2018. The Austin Principles of Data Citation in Linguistics Version 1.0.
Caballero, Gabriela. 2017. Choguita Rarámuri (Tarahumara) language description and documentation: a guide to the deposited collection and associated materials. Language Documentation & Conservation 11: 224–255.
Gawne, Lauren. 2018. A Guide to the Syuba (Kagate) Language Documentation Corpus. Language Documentation & Conservation 12. 204-234.
Franjieh, Michael. 2019. The languages of northern Ambrym, Vanuatu: A guide to the deposited materials in ELAR. Language Documentation & Conservation 13: 83-111.
Hildebrandt, Kristine, Tanner Burge-Buckley, & Jacob Sebok. 2019. Language documentation in the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquakes: A guide to two archives and a web exhibit. Language Documentation & Conservation 13: 618-651.
Koster, Lukas. 2020. Persistent identifiers for heritage objects. The Code4Lib Journal 47.
Lule, Irene. 2019. Using our words: Description at the Harry Ransom Center. Panel: Transforming the archive: Increasing inclusivity through language. Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists. Austin, TX.
Mesh, Kate. 2017. Points of Comparison: What Indicating Gestures Tell Us About the Origins of Signs in San Juan Quiahije Chatino Sign Language Dataverse. Texas Data Repository.
Mesh, Kate. 2018.Gesture, Speech and Sign in Chatino Communities. Endangered Languages Archive.
Möller Nwadigo, Mirjam. 2018. A documentation project of Baa - a guide to the deposit and its resources. Endangered Language Archive.
Oez, Mikael. 2018. A Guide to the Documentation of the Beth Qustan Dialect of the Central Neo-Aramaic Language Turoyo. Language Documentation & Conservation 12. 339-358.
OKMA. Oxlajuuj Keej Maya’ Ajtz’iib’ Mayan Languages Collection. The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. Access: Mixed. PID: ailla:124456.
Salffner, Sophie. 2015. A guide to the Ikaan language and culture documentation. Language Documentation & Conservation 9. 237-267.
Schembri, Adam, Jordan Fenlon, Ramas Rentelis, Sally Reynolds & Kearsy Cormier. 2013. Building the British Sign Language Corpus. Language Documentation & Conservation 7: 136-154.
Sullivant, Ryan. 2020. Archival description for language documentation collections. Language Documentation & Conservation 14: 520-578.
Sullivant, Ryan and Robin M. Wright. 2020. Guia para a Coleção Baniwa dos rios Aiary e Içana de Robin M. Wright. AILLA-Collection Guides. The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America. Access: Public. PID ailla:274687.