Step 5: Vocabulary
Copyright is the exclusive legal right of the creator(s) of an original work to publish, print (copy), distribute (share), display, perform and broadcast the original work (e.g., audio/video recording, written document, photograph, etc.) as well as the right to authorize others (by means of a license) to do any of these things.
A license is an authorization for archives and archive users to use materials that are protected by copyright in particular ways. Licenses allow archives to display materials and make them available for download, and they allow archive users to download the materials while also specifying the conditions under which materials can be reused. For example, a license may prohibit the use of the materials for commercial purposes.
Graded access refers to the technical protocols employed by digital repositories to restrict access to certain files while allowing access to others. Most digital language archives have various levels of access that are dependent on either the files themselves, the archives users’ affiliations or Indigenous Community protocols.
A Memorandum of Understanding (or MoU) is a document that formally describes the roles and relationships of two or more entities or organizations and any agreements made between them. In a collaborative research context, the agreement describes the goals and products of the research; the responsibilities and tasks for all individuals or entities involved; and the legal rights that each individual or entity will have to the resulting research products.