Archiving for the Future:
Simple Steps for Archiving Language Documentation Collections
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Step 1: Choose your archive
- Step 1: Data and archives
- Step 1: Structure of data and archives
- Step 1: Activities
- Step 1: For Further Reading
- Step 1: Vocabulary
- Step 2: Filenaming tips
- Step 2: Seven filenaming tips
- Step 2: Activities
- Step 2: For Further Reading
- Step 2: Vocabulary
- Step 3: Pick enduring file formats
- Step 3: Enduring, open, and supported file formats
- Step 3: Text and image formats
- Step 3: Audio and video formats
- Step 3: Activities
- Step 3: For Further Reading
- Step 3: Vocabulary
- Step 4: Understand metadata
- Step 4: Planning for metadata collection
- Step 4: Language metadata and tags
- Step 4: Activities
- Step 4: For Further Reading
- Step 4: Vocabulary
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Step 7: Prepare your deposit
- Step 7: Arrangement & Discoverability
- Step 7: Converting file formats
- Step 7: Activities
- Step 7: For Further Reading
- Step 7: Vocabulary
- Step 8: Practice progressive archiving
- Step 8: Managing growing collections with progressive archiving
- Step 8: Activities
- Step 8: For Further Reading
- Step 8: Vocabulary
- Step 9: Describe your collection
- Step 9: Collection descriptions and guides
- Step 9: Activities
- Step 9: For Further Reading
- Step 9: Vocabulary
Available in
after you enroll